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Some insights and suggestions

1) Forget about what has happened in GS and Essay. It will unnecessarily impact your performance in optional. Always remember that your relative performance matters and not the absolute

2) From here, If you are able to score 270+ in optional and 180+ in interview, there is enough probability that you will get into the list. So entire focus of yours should shift towards optional

3) Utilise these 5 days well. After a certain point, performance in optional depends upon how well you are able to reproduce concept/facts/data/thinkers in exam. This depends upon how well you have revised and revision requires time

Optional Strategy

I’m sharing what I followed in these 5 days after GS papers

1) Studying for 10-12 hours

2) Revising Optional thrice - 1st revision in 3 days (Till Wednesday) , 2nd revision next 2 days, 3rd revision after language paper

3) Writing some questions: can write 3hours test also, after revising for 2-3days

I wrote 2018 PYQ paper (during 2020 attempt) of Anthropology paper 1 on 3rd day. Till this time I was able to revise whole paper 1 and half paper 2 (1st revision). One can write 2021 paper.

It serves 2 purpose-

a) Generally we get out of touch with optional due to minimum 12-15 days of only GS studies. Writing tests boost confidence and prepare us well for real exam

b) Increases your efficiency of revision - generally we become complacent and revise optional in very relax way for first 2 days

4) Avoid studying anything new

Even if you study now, you won’t be able to write in exam.
Have some basic knowledge in every topic so that you can handle compulsory questions

Best wishes for remaining mains papers !!
For all those preparing for optional:

Many people would be wasting their time analysing GS papers. Generally we cannot perform 100% to our potential, so we will always have this feeling that we could have performed better.

So, to beat the competition, it is important to study for next 2 days efficiently. From 3rd day, everyone will start revising their optional.

Keep your efficiency high during these 5days.

While revising:

1) Do scribble and write some valuable points

2) Topics like Archeology (for Anthro optional)- select the most important questions and focus revision on these. It is difficult to remember each and every facts. Focus on broader aspects

3) Time should be allocated according to degree of importance of each topics. For example give enough time to Physical Anthropology as it is rewarding also

4) Revise your mock test papers also

5) Revision should also be focused on gaining confidence. And you should touch almost all topics to get the feeling of sense of completion

Best Wishes !!
For those preparing for CSE 2024 and not writing mains this year:

Now is the right time to get into the mains preparation.

Till December, one can focus more on Mains- GS and Optional papers

Download all the CSE Mains 2023 Papers. Right now, one can do the following exercise to improve one’s answer writing:

1) Link it with the Syllabus: Analyse the questions of GS1, 2,3,4 asked in Mains 2023 and link with syllabus. Analyse whether it is factual or analytical, static or current etc. Identify areas where questions are being asked more

2) Brainstorming: Try to first write some points (scribble)

3) Current Affairs: Linking the question with Current Affairs

4) Think of apt Introduction and conclusion

5) Answer Writing:
Write a full 2 page/3 page answer with subheading and points/small paragraphs

6) Look for Topper’s mock answers: Before writing answers, one can look for mock test papers of Toppers for that particular GS. Idea is, to know structuring, number of words, sub heading etc

After writing answers also, one can compare and contrast it with topper’s copies and do peer review with friends

Best Wishes !!
Kartik Jivani (AIR 8, CSE 2020 ) and I, both alumni of IIT Bombay and batchmates (IAS 2021), have come together to bring this resource to you. Leveraging our knowledge of Coding, Artificial Intelligence and UPSC CSE, we aim to benefit all aspirants.

We present the Model Answers for UPSC CSE 2023 Mains GS Papers. Our goal is to deliver curated answers using Artificial Intelligence, trained on the UPSC syllabus, with minimal human intervention.

It’s not just the chatGPT; it is more than that. We hope you find this resource helpful in your journey to success !!

Best Wishes !!
PS: All those writing Mains this year, kindly refer it after your optional papers
All the very best for tomorrow’s optional paper.

Some suggestions (Humanities/Anthropology optional)

1) 80% Rule: Even if you are able to recall 80%, you will perform well. Due to vastness of any optional, it is difficult to remember each and every aspect in detail.

2) Select the questions wisely: Give 5-7 minutes at the start of each paper.

Never select questions thinking that these questions would be attempted less by other aspirants.
One should select based on what he/she knows.

Calculate roughly the combined marks that you can get out of 50 in that question.

3) Good time management is highly rewarding in optional

4) First focus on addressing the demand of the question and then linking it with Thinkers/Case Studies/Examples.

By adding theories/thinkers/case studies- your answer will become like optional (Non-GS type)

5) Linking Paper 1 and Paper 2

Indian examples in Paper 1 and Global in Paper 2. Also link the questions with different part of syllabus

6) 10% Rule: If you are able to incorporate maximum
10% unique content, it is sufficient to score very good marks. Don’t take stress that everyone would be writing same.

(Everyone may have read the same content, but very few would be able to actually write that in exam that to according to demand of the question)

7) Explain the points/concept: Can write in points as well as in small small paragraphs.

In optional paper, it is important to explain as in contrast to GS, where we pour down many points.

8) Break the question into different parts: Contemporary Relevance/Way Forward can be added towards the ended- but it should be according to demand of the question

Believe that you will do well !!

Best Wishes !!
Finally the result of Mains 2023 is out. Like last year it came after much anticipation.

First of all congratulations to those who have qualified for the personality test. Those who have given interview before would be well aware that this is not the time of celebration. Surely, a satisfaction comes and gives positive hope for the final stage. Like previous steps of the examination, the final stage also demands preparation but in different way !!

To all those serious aspirants who had put lot of hard work and sweat to this examination, I would say- DON’T LOOSE HOPE.

The only thing in our control is our ability to fight back, our ability to work hard and our ability to maximise our probability for selection. No one can ever say for sure that he/she will get selected - That’s the unpredictability of UPSC exam that everyone has to go through.

After every stage of UPSC exam, some people have to decide and take a tough call- whether to stop the preparation, or continue the preparation. Discuss with your friends and family but this decision has to be yours, nobody knows you better than you. Also it should not be taken in haste but should be a well thought of decision.

Those planning to appear next year, should analyse their mains mock test papers. Compare it with the toppers mock test papers. Evaluate your strategy and try to work upon the weak areas. Now (2 months max) is the time to improve upon the mains. Try to include daily answer writing, writing some 3 hours GS/Optional mock tests into your preparation strategy.

Remember that you are not alone in this preparation. And many times, somethings happen for a reason !!

Best wishes !!
I am posting this message again . Although it is very late since last date to registration for CSE 2024 is 5th March.

There is lot of confusion with regards to OBC non creamy layer certificate.

8 lakh income criteria in 90% of times is NOT applicable and even if your family income is more than 8 lakh, you can be eligible.

Also salary and income from agriculture is not included in 8 lakh test.

Moreover your own income is not included for income test. Only income of your Parents (Mother and Father)

OBC is given based upon your father’s and mother’s income and status.

Some general guidelines:

1)Even if income is more than 8 lakhs, one is eligible for OBC non creamy certificate- for group B,C,D employees (except in case where both mother and father is in group B service)

2) Father/Mother promoted to group A after 40 yrs of age, children are eligible for OBC NCL

3) For PSUs/Banks/other government sector : If anyone’s parents are not involved at managerial post then you would be eligible for OBC NCL (even if salary is more than 8 lakh as income from salary is not included for income test)

For own business- here, if income is more than 8lakhs officially (income tax filed for more than 8lakhs)- from business/investments/gold etc- one is not eligible. (This is a very small percentage)

5) All teachers/professors/Government employees belong to B,C and D categories are eligible (salary can be 15 lakhs)

6) Bank employees and PSU employees below rank of manager or promoted to manager after the age of 40 are eligible

7) For pensioners: if someone is eligible just before the retirement, then he/she is eligible for OBC NCL

Kindly watch this video. Also all the pdfs of acts/rules are attached in the description of the video
Lot of queries in EWS

For EWS, few general points. I’m not an expert on this, kindly consult who has cleared with EWS for details

1) Family definition includes only your Parents and siblings below the age of 18

2) For land and residential plot:

Land - if the land doesn’t belong directly in the name of father or mother or any siblings below 18– one is eligible (if income criteria is fulfilled)

3) If the land papers is in name of Father/Mother and it is beyond the limit- one may not be eligible even if one has adult siblings. If the family is separate it is better to have land registered (legally: through deed) in the name of adult siblings.

4) lf the total income from your parents and you — is less than 8 lakhs, then your family should not be having land papers more than what is prescribed.

Anything in "Family" name is included. Until and unless "registered" in the name of someone outside this EWS family definition (including grandparents/adult siblings etc)

5) If the common house area (where more than one family is residing) is more than what is given as a limit- EWS would be eligible if the elder siblings and other families have gotten their share and it should be registered (legally through deed).

A special thanks to my friend and batchmate @Yo_Yo_Choti_Singh for sharing the details
Shubham Kumar: Strategy and Notes for UPSC(CSE) pinned «I am posting this message again . Although it is very late since last date to registration for CSE 2024 is 5th March. There is lot of confusion with regards to OBC non creamy layer certificate. 8 lakh income criteria in 90% of times is NOT applicable and…»
2024/06/01 18:48:47
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